How can we help?

Invest in crypto using our web interface

1 - You can use our web interface to
- deposit euro or your crypto
- buy/sell crypto
- stake your crypto. 

2 - As a broker dealer we can exchange important amounts. 

3 - You can also use our interface in your own name with your logo to onboard your clients.  

Embed any crypto services into your product

Wether you are a Fintech company, a Neo bank or an asset manager and you want to propose crypto investments to its client by embeding crypto wallets and trading into its application. It can very simply use our API to choose "à la carte" the crypto services it wants to add to its interface.

On/Off Ramp and Crypto payments

You can use our API to add crypto payment into your product.Whether you would like to add crypto as a payment method directly on your check-out page or complete On/Off ramp crypto for your clients, we are here to help you. Our developer team, will be able to take care of the integration if you need.


Who we are ?

The team unites alumni from the Investment Banking industry blending their expertise in compliance, blockchain, and education to innovate in the digital asset space.

de Quénetain


Former Goldman Sachs, Crédit Agricole employee, ESSEC grad, YouTube's Blockchain Expert with 30k followers, and cryptocurrency investment author.



Former Société Générale CIB and Coinshares France, Paris Dauphine PLS Master's graduate, 2023 Polytechnique thesis author, IT/Data Science teacher.



Former BNP, Hello Bank, Lyf, freelancer at SG, PSAN specialist, teaches compliance at a banking school.

Full Name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

How we can help you

Full Name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

How we can help you

Full Name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

How we can help you
Our Mission

We are a team of web3 passionates and are willing to help anyone who wants get involved.   

Our goal is to facilitate the adoption of crypto services and make it as simple and easy as possible. 

Our Role

As a PSAN ("Prestataire de Services sur Actifs Numériques"), we have to maintain high security and professionalism standards. 

We are regulated to safeguard the assets of our customers and provide best execution price on crypto conversion.